Tuesday May 20, 7:45pm: Happy Valley Pitch 12 (Cap: 20)

Events > 2014 > May > Tuesday May 20, 7:45pm: Happy Valley Pitch 12 (Cap: 20)

About this event:

Created by Wayne(admin)

Happy Valley Sports Ground

- Surface: Artificial Grass
– Please be there at 7:45 so we can organize the teams
– Player cap is 20
– Organizer Wayne 95007408
– Fee: HKD60
– Bring two shirts: One white and one of any other color. We will play with a team of white shirts vs the rest.

Sign up
1. Click the “I’m attending”-button
2. Check your rank by clicking the “see who RSVPed”-button
– If it is within player Cap, you are 100% in for the game.
– If your rank is not within player Cap, recheck again on game day
3. If on game day, your rank is still outside of the cap, input your phone number here in the comments section

For plus-ones, contact the organizer by sms/whatsapp

Signing out
1. Sign out at least one day before the game(midnight): No consequences
2. Sign out on game day by text message/call: pays fee if we can’t find replacement. Payable next game you play
3. Sign out on game day on website: pays fee and penalty(game fee).
Payable next game you play
4. No show: HKD 200. Banned from all games allowed, until i have received their the 200 by bank transfer. fee goes to organizers at the end of every quarter. Waived if you have official proof of emergency

Directions to the pitch can be found here: Happy Valley or the map belowПрезидент Федерации футболамодные обувь 2018


  1. Avatar of Wayne(admin)

    Hey guys, from your feedback we realize that the publication of another list is confusing. Therefore, we will not publish a list here anymore. To sign in:
    1. Click the button
    2. Check your rank on game day
    3. If your rank is still outside of the cap, input your phone number here in the comments section
    For plus-ones, contact the organizer by sms/whatsapp

    We will rewrite the instructions. Thanks

  2. Avatar of Wayne(admin)

    Hey guys, we still have spots for the earlier game: 630pm kick-off. Consider signing up for that one to secure game time.

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