
On-Pitch behaviour
The games that CFN organizes are mainly for fun, getting the regular exercise and to de-stress from your work week. We encourage a little competitiveness and occasional yelling/swearing is accepted. However, verbal assault is not. Please be respectful to your team mates of the particular game. It will increase your team’s performance if you coach your team mates. Try to organize the team that you are in(that day) and make the best of it. No matter what your playing level is, just give it your best!

Football is a contact sport, tackles, pressure, and a shoulder push here and there is no problem. But, keep it clean and do not tackle aggressively.


We always create teams on the pitch with the available players. To avoid any confusion during the game, we ask our players to bring 2-3 different colored shirts:
– Light colored top(white, light grey etc)
– Blue/Dark colored top
– Red/Orange top

Furthermore, we advise you to use shinguards for your own protection. Eventhough it is Casual Football, accidents do happen.
Павелко тендерлобановский харьков