Dec 19 Happy Valley Game 7:45pm
we will have a game on carpet pitch 14.
– Maximum player cap is 16.
– Wear either indoorshoes or astro boots or just sneakers.
– Jim(mob. no. 67149699) is the organizer of this game.
– Fee is HKD50
Please sign up for the waiting list if you did not sign up in time to make the cap. You have to leave your mobile phone number on your sign up in order for our organizers to contact you when there is a dropout
First time players: Please leave your number behind, so the organizer can confirm with you that you will make it during game day
You can only sign up for 1 of the games. you can sign up for both waiting lists
Before you sign up for this game, please read this.
Thanks Matt for the Christmas present!!!!
You can still join us for street market dinner after the game!
anybody else is in?
1. Jim
2. Shuichi #9150-0435
3. Divan
4. daniele
5. Mark
6. PaulK
7. Jeff
8. Ramiro
9. Tadeu
11. Paul
12. kev
13. Jose
14. Henry
15. Toan
16. King
Waiting list
1. Luis (9285 8210)
2. Pete (6342 0804)
3. Maxime (6600 2734)
1. Jim
2. Shuichi #9150-0435
3. Divan
4. daniele
5. Mark
6. PaulK
7. Jeff
8. Ramiro
9. Tadeu
11. Paul
12. kev
13. Jose
14. Henry
15. Toan
16. King
Waiting list
1. Luis (9285 8210)
2. Pete (6342 0804)
3. Maxime (6600 2734)
4. Chris c (95244250)
Cant reach Shuichi..replacing with Luis..
Jose, I am trying to confirm you as well…If you don’t confirm until 6pm I’ll call Peter and replace you..
1. Jim
2. Luis (9285 8210)
3. Divan
4. daniele
5. Mark
6. PaulK
7. Jeff
8. Ramiro
9. Tadeu
11. Paul
12. kev
13. Jose
14. Henry
15. Toan
16. King
Waiting list
1. Pete (6342 0804)
3. Maxime (6600 2734)
4. Chris c (95244250)
5. Shuichi
Jose Delgado
sorry the delay mate,
yes Im in.
Looks like we are good to go.. Tadeu is out, Peter is IN..
Pls bring Dark and Light shirts..And try to be there 7.45 so we can start 8 sharp.
Below the prelim balanced teams 1 dark and 2 light
1. Jim 1
2. Luis 1
3. Divan 2
4. daniele 1
5. Mark 2
6. PaulK 2
7. Jeff 1
8. Ramiro 1
9. Peter 2
10.linkesoep 1
11. Paul 2
12. kev 2
13. Jose 2
14. Henry 2
15. Toan 1
16. King 1
1. Maxime
2. Chris C