1 year Anniversary

We are approaching our 1st anniversary in January, CFN has been officially launched on 11 January 2010.
I would like to thank everyone that has made CFN possible, players that played with us before CFN started, guys that joined in the past 12 months and became regulars, and all our organizers. Without you, the 1st year anniversary would not even be possible.

CFN has grown from a small group of friends to a large community of football enthusiast and many have met new people and friends in the last few months. A lot of challenges will arise in 2011. In 2011, CFN will try to keep all our members active by securing regular football every weekend with 3 games and at least 1 week day game per week and we will try to expand our active member base with a ladies section and the weekly training sessions might make a return on the rugby pitch in Happy Valley.

To celebrate our anniversary, the games in the first weekend of January(7-8-9 January) will be free for everyone that has played weekend games with us in 2010. Everyone is member of the year! There are 4 games in that weekend:
– Friday 7 in Tung Chung
– Saturday 8 in Happy Valley
– Sunday 9 in Happy Valley and Tung Chung
I will only return to Hong Kong on January 9, hopefully i can join the game on that day.

Thanks again for the last 12 months and i’m sure we will have an even better year of football in 2011 together!
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  1. Avatar of Mark Murray

    Thanks for all your hard work, Wayne. Appreciated by everyone.

    Have a great New Year…

  2. Avatar of matski

    Thanks for making CFN a sucess. Happy new year wayne and all the boys from CFN.

  3. Avatar of Matt Brown

    Thanks wayne and looking forward to more great games in 2011

  4. Avatar of jimk

    Happy anniversary to CFN! Terrific Job Wayne, keep it up..CFN was responsible for 2 lost toe nails, nights slept on the couch, smelly laundry..but wait, I kept my belly shape and my legs toned!! Yeepee!

    See you at the pitch!

  5. Avatar of Quah

    Happy Anniversary CFN! Thank you Wayne, Arthuro, Jim n the other organizers, looking forward to games in 2011. I will be back after my peak =)

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