Mar 15 Quarry Bay Game 7:45pm

This game is at Quarry bay park Phase 1.
– It is an astro turf pitch, not suitable to wear studs.
– We will play 10-aside.
– Fee is HKD 50
- The player cap is 20.
-Wayne(mob. no. 95007408) is the organizer of this game
Sign up below.

Please sign up for the waiting list if you did not sign up in time to make the cap. You have to leave your mobile phone number on your sign up in order for our organizers to contact you when there is a dropout

First time players: Please leave your number behind, so the organizer can confirm with you that you will make it during game day

Before you sign up for this game, please read thisлобановский класс харьковотзывы об отдыхе на бали


  1. Avatar of

    1. Tug
    2. Daniele
    3. Dave
    4. PeterB
    5. Dom
    6. Dom+1
    7. Paul
    8. Neil
    9. Toan
    10. Christophe
    11. Christophe+1
    12. PaulK
    13. Shinji (68572566)
    14. Henry
    15. Rich
    16. Rich +1
    17. Jeff
    18. Jame
    19. Daven
    20. polo

  2. Avatar of Tadeu

    1. Tug
    2. Daniele
    3. Dave
    4. PeterB
    5. Dom
    6. Dom+1
    7. Paul
    8. Neil
    9. Toan
    10. Christophe
    11. Christophe+1
    12. PaulK
    13. Shinji (68572566)
    14. Henry
    15. Rich
    16. Rich +1
    17. Jeff
    18. Jame
    19. Daven
    20. polo

    waiting list:
    1. Tadeu

  3. Avatar of McEvoy

    1. Tug
    2. Daniele
    3. Dave
    4. PeterB
    5. Dom
    6. Dom+1
    7. Paul
    8. Neil
    9. Toan
    10. Christophe
    11. Christophe+1
    12. PaulK
    13. Shinji (68572566)
    14. Henry
    15. Rich
    16. Rich +1
    17. Jeff
    18. Jame
    19. Daven
    20. polo
    waiting list:
    1. Tadeu
    2. Kevin 63486939

  4. Avatar of Harm

    1. Tug
    2. Daniele
    3. Dave
    4. PeterB
    5. Dom
    6. Dom+1
    7. Paul
    8. Neil
    9. Toan
    10. Christophe
    11. Christophe+1
    12. PaulK
    13. Shinji (68572566)
    14. Henry
    15. Rich
    16. Rich +1
    17. Jeff
    18. Jame
    19. Daven
    20. polo
    waiting list:
    1. Tadeu
    2. Kevin 63486939
    3. Harm

  5. Avatar of henry wong

    1. Tug
    2. Daniele
    3. Dave
    4. PeterB
    5. Dom
    6. Dom+1
    7. Paul
    8. Neil
    9. Toan
    10. Christophe
    11. Christophe+1
    12. PaulK
    13. Shinji (68572566)
    14. Tadeu
    15. Rich
    16. Rich +1
    17. Jeff
    18. Jame
    19. Daven
    20. polo
    waiting list:
    2. Kevin 63486939
    3. Harm

  6. Avatar of kai

    1. Tug
    2. Daniele
    3. Dave
    4. PeterB
    5. Dom
    6. Dom+1
    7. Paul
    8. Neil
    9. Toan
    10. Christophe
    11. Christophe+1
    12. PaulK
    13. Shinji (68572566)
    14. Tadeu
    15. Rich
    16. Rich +1
    17. Jeff
    18. Jame
    19. Daven
    20. polo
    waiting list:
    1. Kevin 63486939
    2. Harm
    3. Kai

  7. 1. Tug
    2. Daniele
    3. Dave
    4. PeterB
    5. Dom
    6. Dom+1
    7. Paul
    8. Neil
    9. Toan
    10. Christophe
    11. Christophe+1
    12. PaulK
    13. Shinji (68572566)
    14. Tadeu
    15. Rich
    16. Rich +1
    17. Jeff
    18. Jame
    19. Daven
    20. polo
    waiting list:
    1. Kevin 63486939
    2. Harm
    3. Kai
    4. Kev (number 23)

  8. Avatar of Wayne(admin)

    Guys on the waiting list. as stated in the post(Please sign up for the waiting list if you did not sign up in time to make the cap. You have to leave your mobile phone number on your sign up in order for our organizers to contact you when there is a dropout), you have to leave your number on the waiting list. Please do so or you won’t be considered as a sign up. thanks

  9. Avatar of kai

    1. Tug
    2. Daniele
    3. Dave
    4. PeterB
    5. Dom
    6. Dom+1
    7. Paul
    8. Neil
    9. Toan
    10. Christophe
    11. Christophe+1
    12. PaulK
    13. Shinji (68572566)
    14. Tadeu
    15. Rich
    16. Rich +1
    17. Jeff
    18. Jame
    19. Daven
    20. polo
    waiting list:
    1. Kevin 63486939
    2. Harm
    3. Kai 98627390
    4. Kev (number 23)

  10. out texted tug.
    1. Tug
    2. Daniele
    3. Dave
    4. PeterB
    5. Dom
    6. Dom+1
    7. Paul
    8. Neil
    9. Toan
    10. Christophe
    11. Christophe+1
    12. PaulK
    13. Shinji (68572566)
    14. Tadeu
    15. Rich
    16. Rich +1
    18. Jame
    19. Daven
    20. polo
    waiting list:
    1. Kevin 63486939
    2. Harm
    3. Kai 98627390
    4. Kev (number 23)

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