Sunday Nov 27 Happy Valley Game 7.45pm

we will have a game on Astro pitch 12 and another in Carpet pitch 13.
– Maximum player cap is 16 per pitch. Player cap is 32
– Wear either indoorshoes or astro boots or just sneakers.
– Jim (6714 9699) and Wayne(95007408) are the organizers of this game.
– Fee is HKD60

– Please sign up for the waiting list if you did not sign up in time to make the cap.
– You have to leave your mobile phone number on your sign up in order for our organizers to contact you when there is a dropout. No number in the post= no waiting list
On game day. When you drop out you have to SMS/text the organizer on the above mentioned number. No text = no drop out, which will result in paying the game fee +penalty. drop out on the website is not accepted

Sign up below.winperst скачатьпродвижение сайта


  1. Avatar of Edmund

    1. Jim (12)
    2. Wayne (13)
    3. Mike
    4. Ant
    5. Divan
    6. Andrea
    7. Andrea +1
    8. Luca
    9. Filippo
    10. Filippo +1 (Davide)
    11. Des
    12. Edward
    13. Kim
    14. Kim+1
    15. Akhil
    16. King
    17. Biu
    18. Julien
    19. Paulo
    20. Tug
    21. Ean
    22. Don
    23. Sean
    24. Ian
    25. Andy
    26. Anish
    27. Yui
    28. Mehmet
    29. Edwyn
    30. MArc (12)
    31. Anu
    32. Edmund

  2. 1. Jim (12)
    2. Wayne (13)
    3. Mike
    4. Ant
    5. Divan
    6. Andrea
    7. Andrea +1
    8. Luca
    9. Filippo
    10. Filippo +1 (Davide)
    11. Des
    12. Edward
    13. Kim
    14. Kim+1
    15. Akhil
    16. King
    17. Biu
    18. Julien
    19. Paulo
    20. Tug
    21. Ean
    22. Don
    23. Sean
    24. Ian
    25. Andy
    26. Anish
    27. Yui
    28. Mehmet
    29. Edwyn
    30. MArc (12)
    31. Anu
    32. Edmund
    33. Kim+2

  3. Avatar of Wayne(admin)

    marc, same question as to king. will you play on pitch 13 if 12 is not available to you?

  4. Avatar of Filippo

    Davide dropped off, Kim + 2 in

    1. Jim (12)
    2. Wayne (13)
    3. Mike
    4. Ant
    5. Divan
    6. Andrea
    7. Andrea +1
    8. Luca
    9. Filippo
    10. Des
    11. Edward
    12. Kim
    13. Kim+1
    14. Akhil
    15. King
    16. Biu
    17. Julien
    18. Paulo
    19. Tug
    20. Ean
    21. Don
    22. Sean
    23. Ian
    24. Andy
    25. Anish
    26. Yui
    27. Mehmet
    28. Edwyn
    29. MArc (12)
    30. Anu
    31. Edmund
    32.Kim +2

  5. Avatar of Marc Torns

    Will be only able to play on the 12, no longer have shoes for carpet.

  6. Avatar of Sean

    1. Jim (12)
    2. Wayne (13)
    3. Mike
    4. Ant
    5. Divan
    6. Andrea
    7. Andrea +1
    8. Luca
    9. Filippo
    10. Des
    11. Edward
    12. Kim
    13. Kim+1
    14. Akhil
    15. King
    16. Biu
    17. Julien
    18. Paulo
    19. Tug
    20. Ean
    21. Don
    22. Sean
    23. Ian
    24. Andy
    25. Anish
    26. Yui
    27. Mehmet
    28. Edwyn
    29. MArc (12)
    30. Anu
    31. Edmund
    32.Kim +2

    33. Sean Mc(63972024)

  7. Avatar of Ant

    Ant out injured

    1. Jim (12)
    2. Wayne (13)
    3. Mike
    4. Divan
    5. Andrea
    6. Andrea +1
    7. Luca
    8. Filippo
    9. Des
    10. Edward
    11. Kim
    12. Kim+1
    13. Akhil
    14. King
    15. Biu
    16. Julien
    17. Paulo
    18. Tug
    19. Ean
    20. Don
    21. Sean
    22. Ian
    23. Andy
    24. Anish
    25. Yui
    26. Mehmet
    27. Edwyn
    28. MArc (12)
    29. Anu
    30. Edmund
    31.Kim +2
    32.Sean Mc

  8. Avatar of jimk

    Pitch Splits… A few adjustments to entertain logistics. We might need to change along the day..
    Pls bring proper shoes (better bring astros that fits for both in any case)

    C for colors, W for White

    Pitch 12: Edwyn vs Marc

    1. Jim (12) W
    2. Mike W
    3. Divan C
    4. Andrea W
    5. Andrea +1 W
    6. Luca C
    7. Filippo W
    8. Des C
    9. Edward C
    10. Marc C
    11. Edmund W
    12. Akhil W
    13. King C
    14. Biu C
    15. Mehmet C
    16. Edwyn W

    Pitch 13: Tug vs Polo
    1.Wayne W
    2. Julien W
    3. Polo W
    4. Tug C
    5. Ean W
    6. Don C
    7. Sean C
    8. Ian W
    9. Andy C
    10. Anish W
    11. Yui C
    12. Kim C
    13. Kim + 1 C
    14. Kim + 2 C
    15. Anu W
    16. Sean Mc W

  9. Avatar of Alan Ralph

    Pitch 12: Edwyn vs Marc

    1. Jim (12) W
    2. Mike W
    3. Divan C
    4. Andrea W
    5. Andrea +1 W
    6. Luca C
    7. Filippo W
    8. Des C
    9. Edward C
    10. Marc C
    11. Edmund W
    12. Akhil W
    13. King C
    14. Biu C
    15. Mehmet C
    16. Edwyn W

    Pitch 13: Tug vs Polo
    1.Wayne W
    2. Julien W
    3. Polo W
    4. Tug C
    5. Ean W
    6. Don C
    7. Sean C
    8. Ian W
    9. Andy C
    10. Anish W
    11. Yui C
    12. Kim C
    13. Kim + 1 C
    14. Kim + 2 C
    15. Anu W
    16. Sean Mc W
    17. Alan Ralph (waiting list) (69285930)

  10. Avatar of Wayne(admin)

    Please note this game is HKD 60 instead of the regular HKD 50.
    Please follow these instructions when signing up
    1. Copy Paste the list and add your name behind a new number
    2. Include your mob. number if you are a first time player
    3. Include your mob. number if you sign up for the waiting list
    4. Sign up only if you are 99% sure that you will play
    a. If you have another game that day, don’t sign up
    b. If your other half did not approve your attendance yet, don’t sign up
    c. If you are not feeling well now, don’t sign up
    d. Think of other reasons
    e. Even if you’re on waiting list and on the day and are not playing anymore. SEND THE ORGANIZER A TXT or UPDATE THE LIST ONLINE. 8 out of 10 in waiting list ends up not available when summed.
    f. If you’re dropping out don’t do it 1h before kick off. The Waiting list guys need some head time to plan for the game

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