Sunday Aug 19 Happy Valley Game 8v8 7:45pm 2 games
we will have 2 games on Carpet pitch 13+14.
– Maximum player cap is 32.
– Wear either indoorshoes or astro boots or just sneakers.
– Jim(67149699) is the organizer of these games
– Fee is HKD60
– Please sign up for the waiting list if you did not sign up in time to make the cap.
– You have to leave your mobile phone number on your sign up in order for our organizers to contact you when there is a dropout. No number in the post= no waiting list
– On game day. When you drop out you have to SMS/text the organizer on the above mentioned number. No text = no drop out, which will result in paying the game fee +penalty. drop out on the website is not accepted
1. Jim
2. Tug
3. Akhil
1. Jim
2. Tug
3. Akhil
4. Larry
1. Jim
2. Tug
3. Akhil
4. Nathan
1. Jim
2. Tug
3. Akhil
4. Nathan
5 Larry
1. Jim
2. Tug
3. Akhil
4. Nathan
5 Larry
6. Kev
7. Filippo(Kev+1)
1. Jim
2. Tug
3. Akhil
4. Nathan
5 Larry
6. Kev
7. Filippo(Kev+1)
8. Wanja
9. Keith(Wanja+1)
1. Jim
2. Tug
3. Akhil
4. Nathan
5 Larry
6. Kev
7. Filippo(Kev+1)
8. Wanja
9. Keith(Wanja+1)
1. Jim
2. Tug
3. Akhil
4. Nathan
5 Larry
6. Kev
7. Filippo(Kev+1)
8. Wanja
9. Keith(Wanja+1)
11. Edmund
11. Roberto(Edmund +1)
1. Jim
2. Tug
3. Akhil
4. Nathan
5 Larry
6. Kev
7. Filippo(Kev+1)
8. Wanja
9. Keith(Wanja+1)
11. Edmund
12. Roberto(Edmund +1)
13. Emmanuel
14. hernan(Emmanuel +1)
1. Jim
2. Tug
3. Akhil
4. Nathan
5 Larry
6. Kev
7. Filippo(Kev+1)
8. Wanja
9. Keith(Wanja+1)
11. Edmund
12. Roberto(Edmund +1)
13. Emmanuel
14. hernan(Emmanuel +1)
15. Chris C