Week 32 Sign ups

We have six games this week:
1. Thursday in Tung Chung from 7.45-9.30pm
2. Thursday in Quarry Bay from 7.45-9.30pm
3. Saturday in Happy Valley from 12.45-3pm
4. Sunday in Tung Chung from 6.15-8pm
5. Sunday in Happy Valley from 6.15-8pm
6. Sunday in Happy Valley from 7.45-9.30pm
All of these games have a player cap. 16 on Friday in Tung Chung and Sunday in Happy Valley, 24 on Saturday in Happy Valley and Sunday in Tung Chung
Sign up at the sign up section on the Front Page(CLICK HOME)

Drop outs and Waiting list
-If a particular game is full, but you would still like to join, you can sign up for the waiting list. All you have to do is put your name down in the sign up section(as a normal signup) with your mobile phone number.
-If you can’t make it to the game that you have signed up for, please notify the organizer by sms-message at least 1.5 hours before the game. The organizer will contact players that have signed up for the waiting list.
Please sign up for the waiting list if you did not sign up in time to make the cap. You have to leave your mobile phone number on your sign up in order for our organizers to contact you when there is a dropout Павелков состав управляющей подсистемы службы маркетинга входит

1 Comment

  1. Avatar of andrea

    i will like to plat sunday but i don’t understand if is full.
    please lets me know!

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