Casual Football 6 Dec

Who’s in for this Casual Football Game in Tung Chung this Sunday? Leave a comment if you are in.winperstpnivmat


  1. Avatar of Thomas DeAngelo

    In plus one(I know i say that every week but they were all unexpectant last minute drop outs…this time i’ll put him in a bin bag and drag his arse out to TC if i had to)

    anyone fancies a sunday roast afterwards?

  2. Avatar of Filippo

    I’m in

  3. Avatar of maston

    I’ll be there.

  4. Avatar of memetk

    hey Bros,

    I am in..

    please bring both color hamsap jerzeys.

    white and orange, that will help us to divide the teams more easy.


  5. Avatar of maston

    Sorry guys, but I can’t make it after all. I hope you have enough for a good game. I will be in next time if at all possible!

  6. Avatar of Wayne(admin)

    who else?

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