Jun 6 Sunday Games 4:30 or 6:30pm
We will have 2 games this Sunday:
1. Happy Valley pitch 7 from 4:30-6:30pm
2. Tung Chung from 6:30-8pm
For both games, the player cap is 16 and the fee per person is HKD 25. Please sign up with the following options:
1. Happy Valley
2. Tung Chung
3. 1 of the 2, no preference
Jim is the organizer for Happy Valley, Tim or Matt are the organizers for Tung Chung.
in – happy valley.
TC so far:
1. Tim
HV in
Richard Bulgin
in hv
Gary Rose
Matt Brown
Tung Chung:
1. Tim
2. Matt
henry wong
1. Jim
2. Ian
3. Dev
4. Richard
5. Gary
6. Henry
Con Lau
1. Jim
2. Ian
3. Dev
4. Richard
5. Gary
6. Henry
7. Con
Arto Makela
Tung Chung:
1. Tim
2. Matt
3. Arto
Chris Harris
In for TC
Tung Chung:
1. Tim
2. Matt
3. Chris