Jul 29 Happy Valley Game 8pm

we will have a game on carpet pitch 14. Maximum player cap is 16. Wear either indoorshoes or astro boots or just sneakers. Wayne is the organizer of this game.
Wayne is the organizer of this game. Before you sign up for this game, please read this
We paid above market price to make this game happen, therefore the fee is HKD 50. Андрей Павелко женакупить посуду дешево


  1. Avatar of Jamie Turner

    Or maybe even 5…if Toan is in. Ah hell, whatever.

  2. Mike – Waiting List

  3. Avatar of Wayne(admin)

    1. Wayne
    2. Arturo
    3. Jim
    4. Ian
    5. Con
    6. Tugdual
    7. Dev
    8. Paul
    9. Linkesoep
    10. Patrick
    11. Stefan
    12. Maxime
    13. Chris
    14. Robin
    15. Chris Chambers
    16. Ken
    16/16 full.
    Waiting list
    1. kai
    2. jmc
    3. Henry
    4. Toan
    5. Jamie
    6. Mike
    Please sign up for the waiting list. i will contact you if someone drops out.
    Players who are in the “16”, please call or text me if you drop out. my number is 95007408

  4. Avatar of jimk

    Can’t make it tonight…
    Kai is out
    I’ve texted John and he is yet to reply, so 50/50
    Henry stand by, you might get some action
    have a nice game!

    1. Wayne
    2. Arturo
    3. John 50/50
    4. Ian
    5. Con
    6. Tugdual
    7. Dev
    8. Paul
    9. Linkesoep
    10. Patrick
    11. Stefan
    12. Maxime
    13. Chris
    14. Robin
    15. Chris Chambers
    16. Ken
    16/16 full.
    Waiting list

    3. Henry
    4. Toan
    5. Jamie
    6. Mike
    Please sign up for the waiting list. i will contact you if someone drops out.
    Players who are in the “16″, please call or text me if you drop out. my number is 95007408

  5. Avatar of dkfc

    Waiting list:

    7. Eddy (9760 6007)

  6. Avatar of Wayne(admin)

    game is on guys, in case you’re wondering

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